Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ninja Squirrels

Fact:  I have ninja squirrels behind my shop.  No really!  I put a camera behind the shop and put a monitor inside.  So, I put corn out there and watch those little buggers launch themselves at one another.  They literally flip through the air as they attack their arch nemesis.  It's great comic relief while boat building.  If you look carefully you can see a squirrel on the screen.

So, now I know what you're thinking...  That looks like a housecat.  Yep.  It is!  She stayed there and ate corn for a solid 20 minutes.  Hunting ninja squirrels must not be her gig.

Where were we?  Oh yeah, boat building.  O.K., all of the dimensions for the project come from a single page in the book.  Seriously small print and I'm getting older, I can tell because my arms are getting shorter and there is never enough light.  But, I think I've got all of the pieces except the seats cut out. 

I finished cutting out the other bilge and side panels and glued the ah, ah, well the butt splices.  I put heavy stuff on top to hold pressure while the glue dried.  I also cut out the stem, but I didn't get a picture of it.   

Tomorrow I will be putting resin and a layer of fiberglass on the side and bottom panels.  Then, more waiting for stuff to dry.  By the way, you remember the "Shop Truth" from yesterday?  You know, the right tool is never the one that's plugged in?  Well, fixed it!  Oh yeah!  TTFN

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