Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 2 of the Boat Building Business

Random Thought:  I was watching the Military Channel a little while ago and they were interviewing a Kamikaze pilot that was about 85 or 90 years old.  He must have really sucked at his job.  But, I bet he's glad he wasn't good at it now.  Just a thought.

So, today was busy with laying out and marking the bottom, side and bilge panels.  I only got the bottom and one side completed.  But, now I'll flip them over to mark the other side.  You simply transfer the measurements from the edge of the plywood and lay everything out.  Then, you drive nails at each measurement and use something flexible enough to bend around all of the nails to mark the line.  You pull the nails and cut on the line.  

You have to add a strip of plywood to join the two pieces together.  This is called a butt splice.  Yes, John Wooley, it's actually called that, I didn't make it up!  Anyway, add a few bronze nails and a little glue and that's another piece ready to install. 
The other task for today was to cut reliefs into the molds where the side and bilge panels will meet.  I need to be able to join the panels together with fiberglass tape from the inside.  The only way to make a solid piece all the way down is to cut these little reliefs.  First, I marked everything and then drilled holes in the corners with a step drill.  I followed up with the sabre saw then finished sanding to make everthing smooth.

While working in the shop tonight I realized some essential truths.  First, no matter which tool you need it is NOT the one plugged in!  Two, if you're feeling pretty good a about a particular piece, you're probably do it wrong.  But, I do know what helps...

I know what you're thinking.  That's not good for you, right?  Not so.  In fact, my doctor has prescribed one acoholic beverage per day.  I know this is hard to believe, but he actually gave me a six pack of Killian's because he's so worried about my health.  Seriously, do I have an awesome doctor or what?  Maybe if I only drink one a day I'll keep all my fingers, still remains to be seen. 

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