Saturday, January 8, 2011

More than one way to skin a cat... I mean uh, a boat!

So, my arrow slinging doctor friend came over to help with the boat.  His son, the stunt boat driver came with him to lend his recent experience.  They helped me lay the outer skin of fiberglass on the boat.  I couldn't have done it without them.  Thanks guys! Here's what we did...

First, we painted the side panels with fiberglass resin.
Next, we laid the fabric into the wet resin.  Then, we added addition resin slowly moving from the back of the boat to the front.  We let the excess fabric simply hang over the edge.  I'll worry about trimming it once its cured.
Once those guys left I looked at the progress we had made.  I was so impressed with the way the bow turned out (because the fabric overlapped there) that I decided to go ahead and finish the transom (back end).  So, its now officially a fiberglass boat! 
Join us next time when we'll have great fun sanding!!  Oh yeah!!!

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